air fryer nachos
The fastest way to get some tasty nachos on the table is to use your Air Fryer! It wa...
pistachio bundt cake
This pistachio cake with pudding is made with pistachio pudding and features a white...
cannoli cake recipe
Everyone loves Italian Cannoli. But what if you could have a Cannoli Cake that you co...
cold mushroom salad
If you love mushrooms and happen to have a lot of them, use this simple recipe to mak...
ricotta fritters
Easy lemon ricotta fritters are a savoury keto recipe for summer. A light appetizer...
creamy pasta with bacon
Creamy pasta with bacon is a classic bistro recipe that is fast and easy to make! Sup...
lasagna broccoli e salsiccia
Broccoli and sausage lasagna is a delicious first course, excellent to prepare when b...
korean chilli and garlic tofu noodles (v...
These are super spicy (not super hot) noodles mixed with toasted tofu crumbles, garli...
chocolate chip cookies
These light chocolate chip cookies are made with homemade peanut butter. They are sof...
homemade corn tortillas
Corn tortillas are easy to make, gluten-free and vegan. You only need 3 ingredients f...
creamy garlic salmon
Creamy garlic salmon is the ultimate fast food made in a skillet. You can have lemon...
oreo cake pops
These Oreo cake pops couldn’t be easier to make if you tried and are bursting with Or...
strawberry upside down cake
A spin on the classic, this strawberry upside-down cake is one of the most delicious...
milk bread rolls
Soft, light, and fluffy milk rolls. They stay fresh for days and taste amazing. You c...
puffy cheece donut
We made cheese pastry, you can make it with minced meat, plain or spinach by cha...
Video Recipe
cold baklava recipe
Cold baklava is a lighter and softer dessert than regular baklava, it is a dessert th...
donut recipe
We made goat's feet donut, but it belongs to the Balkan region and we definitely reco...
air fryer japanese eggplant
Spicy Air Fryer Japanese Eggplant is about to become one of your favorite vegetable d...
air fryer chicken tenders
These No breading air-fryer chicken tenders are juicy with bold flavor! Healthy, deli...
southern corn pudding casserole
Corn pudding & corn casserole become ONE with this delicious Southern Corn Pudding Ca...
cherry yogurt jelly
Our delicious jelly recipe turned out great with yogurt and honey in it. We are sure...
yeasted blini (russian/ukrainian crepes)
This simple recipe for Yeasted Blini includes yeast, milk, butter and eggs. In a cou...
neck steak with sweet potato
You will be amazed of how simple yet tasty this steak recipe is.
mushroom meatballs recipe
These mushroom meatballs are a delicious alternative to traditional meatballs. This r...
meat bread recipe
his recipe will give you a feast of taste thanks to the dough and the taste of the mi...
delicious herbs and cheese bread
You can make this delicious bread with cheese and herbs instead of butter. This ea...