caprese turkey burgers with basil vinaig...
Perfectly seasoned turkey burgers are accompanied by a bright and flavorful basil vin...
pasta with roasted garlic butternut squa...
Butternut squash, garlic, and onion are roasted and blended with vegetable broth. Bro...
cheesy flatbread pizza with salami and h...
Honey goat cheese is blended with homemade almond pesto for a twist on the traditiona...
lamb kofta wraps with cucumber radish sa...
Lamb Kofta (meatballs with fresh herbs, garlic, onion, and spices) and cucumber radis...
pumpkin cake squares with orange cream c...
Pumpkin Cake Squares with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting is the easiest, tastiest bakin...
spicy salmon rice bowl with mango jalape...
Salmon is cut into bite-size pieces, coated in a spicy honey chipotle marinade, then...
potato corn chowder with bacon [instant...
This creamy, silky Potato Corn Chowder with Bacon recipe uses chicken bone broth as t...
pecan shortbread bars [chocolate and map...
These Chocolate Maple Pecan Shortbread Bars are essentially pecan pie in bar form. So...
cookies and cream french toast
Cookies and Cream French Toast is fluffy and pillowy on the inside with a slightly cr...
stuffed mushrooms with crab
Stuffed Mushrooms with Crab is the perfect appetizer or side dish recipe for your nex...
air fryer italian sliders
Air Fryer Italian Sliders: Italian meats, cheeses, and pickled peppers are sandwiched...
crispy cauliflower bites [healthier air...
These crispy cauliflower bites dipped in homemade buttermilk ranch dressing are the p...
roasted garlic miso soup recipe
This Roasted Garlic Miso Soup Recipe is so flavorful, comforting, and healthy too (it...
easy italian wedding soup recipe
A flavorful broth is filled with herbs and spices, vegetables (carrots, celery, leafy...
roasted tomato basil and red pepper soup...
Tomatoes, red bell peppers (key!), fresh garlic, and onion is roasted then combined w...
stuffed cabbage rolls [instant pot and o...
These stuffed cabbage rolls are filled with a delicious mixture of beef, pork, rice,...
soft pretzel bites with smoked gouda che...
Buttery, fluffy soft (baked) pretzel bites are dipped into a lusciously smooth and cr...
dolsot bibimbap recipe - korean rice bow...
Dolsot Bibimbap is a nutritious Korean rice bowl topped with beef, assorted vegetable...
broccoli pomegranate salad.
Juicy pomegranate seeds, nutty walnuts, spicy red onion, vinegary and creamy homemade...
roasted brussel sprout salad with bacon...
This salad uses brussels sprouts two ways (roasted with bacon and maple syrup, and ra...
4 ingredient chaga mushroom iced coffee...
4 simple ingredients are combined to make these healthy, nutrient packed, delicious C...
lemon ginger turmeric wellness juice sho...
These Lemon Ginger Turmeric Wellness Juice Shots are loaded with nutrients that may s...
pineapple coconut lemon ginger juice wel...
Sweet, tangy, citrusy, hydrating, refreshing, nutritious. There are so many ways to d...
watermelon lemon ginger juice wellness s...
Easy to prepare, healthy, hydrating, and highly refreshing! Watermelon Lemon Ginger J...
chorizo breakfast tacos with cilantro li...
Chorizo Breakfast Tacos with Cilantro Lime Crema – perfect for brunch! Seasoned groun...