easy chicken sandwich
A flavorful chicken sandwich featuring tender roasted chicken, marinated with spices,...
plantain empanadas
Sweet plantain dough filled with creamy custard, fried to golden perfection. A deligh...
cassava with fried pork
Tender cassava root paired with crispy pork chicharrón. Served with tangy curtido (pi...
salvadoran chicken soup
A hearty, flavorful soup made with free-range chicken, fresh vegetables, and aromatic...
salvadoran tamales (stuffed corn dough)
A traditional Salvadorian delight made with seasoned corn masa filled with a savory b...
stuffed corn tortillas
These thick corn tortillas are stuffed with savory fillings like cheese, beans, or po...
fried plantains with cheese
Crispy fried plantains stuffed with gooey cheese and lightly battered for a sweet and...
colombian sugarcane drink
Refreshingly sweet and made from panela (sugarcane), this traditional Colombian drink...
colombian chicken and potato soup
A comforting Colombian chicken and potato soup, combines tender chicken, three types...
colombian cornmeal flatbread
These versatile cornmeal flatbreads are crisp on the outside, soft inside, and perfec...
colombian arequipe
A creamy, caramelized treat made from sweetened milk. Perfect as a dessert topping, f...
colombian coconut rice
A flavourful coconut rice dish that combines creamy sweetness with a touch of tropica...
colombian paisa platter
This hearty platter features beans, rice, chorizo, plantains, avocado, and more, deli...
colombian cheese fritters
Golden cheese fritters with a soft, airy centre. A perfect blend of salty and sweet,...
colombian beef rib soup
A traditional Colombian beef rib soup, perfect for breakfast or a hearty meal. Packed...
colombian seafood stew
A rich Colombian seafood stew bursting with shrimp, mussels, and fish in a creamy coc...
colombian milk and egg soup
A comforting Colombian breakfast soup made with milk, eggs, scallions, and cilantro....
colombian cholao
Cool off with Colombian Cholao, a refreshing dessert of shaved ice, tropical fruits,...
colombian empanadas (fried turnovers)
Crispy, golden turnovers filled with savory beef and potatoes, seasoned to perfection...
colombian stuffed roasted pig
Lechona is a show-stopping roasted pig stuffed with flavorful rice, peas, and pork. T...
colombian lulada (lulo drink)
Lulada is a refreshing drink made with lulo fruit, lime juice, and sugar. Bursting wi...
colombian corn porridge
Mazamorra is a creamy corn porridge served with panela or sugar. Perfectly sweet and...
colombian tripe soup
traditional Colombian tripe soup, combining tender beef tripe with vegetables like po...
colombian wafer dessert
Delight in thin, crispy wafers layered with dulce de leche, cheese, or jam. A sweet,...
colombia cheese bread
Delight in the cheesy, gluten-free goodness of Pandebono! Crispy outside, soft inside...
colombian fried plantains
Discover the perfect recipe for golden, twice-fried plantains, seasoned to perfection...
colombian black beef
A rich, tender beef dish slow-cooked in a flavorful marinade of onion, garlic, spices...
colombian hearty stew
this hearty stew combines tender meats, root vegetables, and plantains in a flavorful...
colombian stuffed corn dough
traditional Colombian dish featuring corn dough stuffed with meat, eggs, and vegetabl...
filipino peanut stew
Dive into the rich and creamy world of Filipino Kare-Kare, a hearty peanut stew with...