roasted chestnuts recipe
This roasted chestnut recipe is a delicious and healthy snack that can be enjoyed all...
baked crispy tofu with peanut sauce and...
Baked crispy tofu with a velvety peanut butter sauce, jasmine rice and stir fry brocc...
pasta with vegan cream cheese
Cosy and comforting vegan cream cheese pasta is the perfect midweek meal that comes t...
vegan stuffed peppers with mushrooms and...
Vegan stuffed peppers with mushrooms, lentils, rice, dairy-free cheese and sour cream...
potato stew
This is a easy and delicious vegan potato stew, and perfect to serve with flatbreads,...
rich and creamy vegan mushroom stroganof...
This vegan mushroom stroganoff recipe is a rich, creamy, and hearty weeknight dinner...
the ultimate vegan breakfast sandwich
This hearty and delicious vegan breakfast sandwich is the best way to start your day!...
chickpea flour tortillas
Chickpeas have a natural nutty flavor and can be used to make these flavory chickpea...
how to make vegan bbq jackfruit: a meatl...
If you’re looking for a delicious and meat-free alternative to traditional pulled por...
small roasted potatoes
Small roasted potatoes in the oven are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside....
protein packed vegan garbanzo quinoa tac...
These vegan tacos are packed with proteins and makes an easy and nutritious meal with...