vegan apple cinnamon rolls
This is an easy recipe for homemade vegan apple cinnamon rolls. They are made without...
beetroot carrot smoothie with apple, gin...
This quick and easy beetroot and carrot smoothie is enriched with fresh apples, ginge...
jani me fasule: albanian white bean soup...
Jani me Fasule is a hearty Albanian bean soup. The recipe for this delicious white be...
chewy almond butter oatmeal cookies with...
These almond butter oatmeal cookies with raisins are vegan (eggless & dairy-free), ma...
creamy vegan lemon zucchini pasta with b...
Creamy vegan lemon pasta with zucchini (zoodles), white beans, basil, and garlic: a q...
vegan mixed vegetable raita with tomato,...
Easy recipe for vegan mixed vegetable raita with tomato, cucumber, onion, mint, and c...
vegan mediterranean pasta salad with aru...
Vegan Mediterranean pasta salad with arugula, tomatoes, zucchini, pine nuts, olives,...
oil-free hummus (authentic arabic recipe...
Authentic hummus is made oil-free but it's not fat-free (Tahini!). This homemade crea...
vegan sweet braided coconut milk bread (...
This soft, moist, and sweet braided bread made with coconut milk is dairy-free and al...
mercimek Çorbası: turkish red lentil sou...
This creamy vegan Turkish red lentil soup with mint, sumac, lemon, paprika oil, carro...
bramboráky: czech vegan potato pancakes
Crispy, gluten-free, and hearty vegan potato pancakes (also known as latkes or hash b...
pizza rolls with vegetables
These homemade vegan pizza rolls (aka scrolls or bites) are filled with a tasty sauce...
dairy-free dauphinoise potatoes (scallop...
Best vegan dauphinoise potatoes, made without cream, but with cashews and cauliflower...
vegan kaiserschmarrn (with strawberry rh...
This "Kaiserschmarrn" is vegan but still authentic. This fluffy Austrian dessert is s...
masala chai concentrate (chai syrup)
Simple chai syrup recipe: Enjoy this homemade and authentic masala chai concentrate a...
potato dumplings and red cabbage with ap...
Easy recipe for delicious homemade Austrian (German) vegan potato dumplings and slowl...
vanillekipferl (austrian vanilla crescen...
An easy recipe from a Viennese for the best vegan Christmas cookies: Vanillekipferl -...
easy & creamy avocado pasta vegan "guaca...
This creamy vegan avocado pasta is easy and quick to make, healthy and so good! I lik...
vegan pasta salad
This cold, creamy, and easy vegan pasta salad is sure to be a hit at any bbq! A dairy...
homemade vegan tzatziki sauce - easy & a...
Recipe for an easy homemade vegan tzatziki sauce that is thick and authentic and is i...
pasta al limone with zucchini and white...
Pasta al Limone con Fagioli e Zucchine: A quick and easy recipe for delicious, health...
mercimek Çorbası - vegan turkish red len...
Vegan Turkish red lentil soup with mint: healthy, easy, creamy, filling, and deliciou...
vegan lemon blueberry cake
Vegan super moist lemon cake with blueberries and glaze on top. Delicious lemon cake...
vegan watermelon feta salad with cucumbe...
Watermelon feta salad with cucumber, mint, pine nuts, onions, and lime dressing is a...
vegan egg salad
The best vegan egg salad looks like it has eggs, tastes like them, and has their text...
kraufleckerl: austrian noodles with cabb...
Krautfleckerl are a traditional Austrian food, made out of noodles (fleckerl pasta) a...
refreshing pineapple cucumber smoothie
This easy pineapple cucumber smoothie also has ginger, lemon, and celery inside. It's...
easy vegan feta / dairy-free almond chee...
An easy but so tasty vegan feta cheese made from almonds. This vegan feta is dairy-fr...
fasolakia lathera: greek green bean stew
An authentic, easy, and simple recipe for Fasolakia, a Greek Green Bean Stew, made ou...
vegan baked oats / sugar free oat flour...
Eat cake for breakfast with these tasty vegan baked oats! They are like oatmeal but d...