caramelized onion spaghetti squash
Add EVOO to pan with mushrooms. Sauté until softened. Add spinach and garlic, sau...
protein packed vegan garbanzo quinoa tac...
These vegan tacos are packed with proteins and makes an easy and nutritious meal with...
applesauce cake
No egg, no butter, no oil, and still a creamy, fluffy cake! This is one of the fastes...
flour tortillas from scratch
You can easily make soft, slightly chewy, and pliable homemade flour tortillas from s...
shrimp ram-don noodles
When I found this recipe I knew I had to make it! Two kinds of Korean instant noodles...
debbie's hot and sour soup
Hot and Sour Soup is a traditional Chinese soup that's healthy and delicious. Debbie...
pressure cooker pigeon pea soup
Split pea soup has always been one of our favorites, especially on cold winter days....
chilled cucumber-coconut soup
You'll be cool as a cucumber with this chilled soup! Paired with coconut cream and ga...
chicken caesar salad
This caesar salad fits on every bistro menu. It is fast and tasty and a great lunch o...
spanakopita taquitos
3 packages frozen spinach thawed and drained 1 1/2 cups crumbles feta cheese...
goat cheese frittata
2 eggs 1 handful spinach Salt/pepper 1/4 Cup red onion diced 1/4 cup...
vegetarian zuppe toscana
4 celery stalks diced 2 full carrots peeled and diced 1 small yellow onions dic...
open face veggie sandwich
Deliciously perfect for a hot day! 1 slice of whole grain bread 1 small avocado...
white bean vegetable soup *crockpot*
Add all of the ingredients (except the kale) to the crockpot and cook on high for 5 h...
mediterranean cucumber bites
These are super easy to make and very refreshing for an appetizer!
Mediterranean Style Green Beans - Easy to make and make for a great side dish!
crockpots white bean chili soup
Servings: 3 2 cans white beans such as cannellini (drained) 1 4oz can green chi...
almond joy coffee creamer recipe
With our deliciously creamy almond joy coffee creamer recipe, you can make sure that...
how to make chili sauce with ketchup
Once you learn how to make chili sauce with ketchup, you’ll always have this condimen...
the best buttermilk pancakes recipe
Our classic buttermilk pancakes recipe is sure to satisfy your appetite and win the h...
baguette garlic bread recipe
It’s hard to beat the smell of garlic bread wafting through your home. Not only is it...
fried chiacchiere - neapolitan recipe
Chiacchiere, also called crostoli, frappe, bugie or cenci, are the typical desserts u...
pasta with mushrooms and zucchini
Pasta with Mushrooms and Zucchini is a simple yet very flavorful dish that combines t...
buttermilk pound cake
This buttermilk pound cake is super easy to make. The buttermilk gives it a rich, but...