tomato salad with cucumbers, avocado, an...
I love this Tomato Salad with Cucumbers, Avocado, and Cilantro, and it’s the cilantro...
bacon and pea salad
Bacon and Pea Salad is a popular party salad that’s perfect to make for a special occ...
cherry tomato caprese salad
Cherry Tomato Caprese Salad is one of my favorite salads with basil vinaigrette, and...
quinoa avocado salad
This delightful Quinoa Avocado Salad has some crunch from radishes and cucumber and a...
grilled chicken thighs (with lemon and z...
Grilled Chicken Thighs with Lemon and Za’atar are perfect for an easy summer dinner w...
grilled mahi mahi (with korean dipping s...
This Grilled Mahi Mahi recipe is served with a flavorful Korean Dipping Sauce, and th...
spicy chicken salad with ginger and lemo...
This Spicy Chicken Salad with Ginger and Lemon is a tasty year-round salad to make wi...
pesto pasta salad recipe
Pesto Pasta Salad is a tasty and versatile pasta salad recipe with roasted red pepper...
easy grilled chicken recipe
This Easy Grilled Chicken Recipe is completely Foolproof and 100% delicious, and I be...
ropa vieja recipe (instant pot or stovet...
This Ropa Vieja recipe is my version of a well-known Cuban dish with shredded beef, t...
air fryer salmon with mustard herb sauce
This Air Fryer Salmon Recipe will produce an easy low-carb dinner that’s one of the t...
grilled asparagus with parmesan
Grilled Asparagus with Parmesan is perfect for grilling season, and asparagus fans wi...
greek chicken salad with peperoncini
Greek Chicken Salad with Peperoncini is so delicious, and it’s a perfect option when...
buffalo chicken lettuce wraps
Use ground chicken or turkey to make these tasty Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps with s...
byu creamery ranch dressing (copycat rec...
The Ranch Dressing made by BYU Creamery has lots of fans, and my sister Pam, niece Ka...
green beans with lemon, parmesan, and pi...
Green Beans with Lemon, Parmesan, and Pine Nuts May 10, 2024 by Kalyn Denny 37 comme...
salmon patties with tartar sauce
Salmon Patties with Tartar Sauce are an inexpensive and delicious meal that’s a fun c...
spicy shredded beef street tacos
Shredded Beef Street Tacos are a fun idea for a family dinner made in the Instant Pot...
cilantro lover's perfect guacamole
Every Mexican restaurant has their own version of Guacamole, but I love the ingredien...
spicy mexican slaw
Spicy Mexican Slaw with Lime and Cilantro is a perfect low-carb side dish, and this M...
noodles with peanut sauce
Easy Noodles with Peanut Sauce are flavored with peanut butter, Sriracha, sesame oil,...
instant pot asparagus (with 10 ideas to...
This new recipe for Instant Pot Asparagus might be the easiest method you’ve ever see...
italian sausage pasta with collard green...
n this Italian Sausage Pasta with Collard Greens, collards are cooked with garlic and...
spicy deviled eggs (with chipotle and li...
I’ve made a lot of variations on deviled eggs, but these Spicy Deviled Eggs (with Chi...
ground beef vegetable soup
Ground Beef Vegetable Soup is a low-carb stovetop version of a favorite slow cooker s...
roasted asparagus with garlic
Roasted Asparagus with Garlic is the perfect way to cook my favorite spring vegetable...
stir-fried tofu with ginger and soy sauc...
Even if you’re never cooked tofu, this Stir-Fried Tofu with Ginger and Soy Sauce is e...
air fryer asparagus with lemon and parme...
Air Fryer Asparagus with Lemon and Parmesan is so quick and tasty it just might becom...
green eggs and ham recipe
Kids who like Dr. Seuss might enjoy this fun Green Eggs and Ham Recipe and this is a...
sriracha beef cabbage bowl
Everyone who likes ground beef, Sriracha, and creamy slaw will love this spicy Srirac...