Sushi salad - Deconstructed sushi bowl
The Cinnamon Jar #salads

sushi salad - deconstructed sushi bowl

This visually stunning sushi salad is pretty much sushi as you know it, but deconstructed. It is the perfect fusion of Japanese and Western cuisine. Maybe you've always wanted to make homemade sushi but you don't have the equipment, or it just feels too overwhelming - this salad is for you! it's healthy, nutrient-rich, refreshing, crunchy and best of all, it does really taste exactly like sushi. Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make perfect sushi rice. Yes, we do actually make the rice as you would for sushi. It's easy, don't worry! It's served alongside a delicious salad dressing. We make topping suggestions, but feel free to customise. It's great fun to make and you can really get creative with the styling of the bowls. We hope you will enjoy making it as much as we do!


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